Robert Morrison successfully made his first glass pipes in 1995. He took a hiatus but got back on the torch in 2008, when he took classes and started making marbles. In 2010, he met Paul Stankard who challenged him to "express an idea in glass." He spent the next 7 months learning how to sculpt and brought his first sculpture to life: a glass diorama of Prometheus Bound.
In the summer of 2012, he made his first Muppet functionals. He recognizes that the successful marketing of Jim Henson's Muppets is a huge factor in the popularity he gained from making them and is grateful that he could translate them into glass for people to enjoy.
In 2017, he started making farm animals whose designs come from his own head. He celebrates the difference in each one rather than adhering to the strict guidelines of a Muppet. The colors, shapes, and stories he can tell with the animals is limitless and more liberating.